Saturday, February 19, 2005

what about you

Hey there People I found this somewhere And I am bored SO I thought I would write some stuf out enjoy... ohh and if you feel like putting an answer or two please leave a comment or a link to where your answers are

1. what song are you listening to rite now? "Hardway" Dc talk

2. shirt you are wearing now: A grey sweatshirt that has UNLV on it

3.have you showered? I am about to go take one actually

4.who is on your mind right now? Ahh man well yea some things I'll keep to myself

5.where do you want to go? what I would really like is to go back to europe and travel some

6. what movie do you want to see next? none really but I saw Hitch last weekend and I liked it sadly I felt like I identified with Will smiths charcter

7.what do you want to do with your life? I really want to get my MFA in production management then I would like to do that for a litlle bit and then start teaching.... BUT I really would like to find someone and get married somwhere in that process

8. what are you eating or drinking? I just ate a rice cake

9. current mood right now? ready to go but not dressed yet

10.when is your birthday? September

11.where do you usually hang out? its sad but it is also fun I hang out at the Dock at work sometimes I like to go drive and take pictures

12.where do you buy ur clothes? What me buy clothes when I do I usually go to the mall and find some sale.


last time you fell in love? I was in florida

last movie you watched? Hitch

last shirt you wore before this shirt?My Goofy shirt you would understand it actually has a
picture of Goofy on it

last thing you held? my keys

last time you cried? last sunday

last place you went? Huntsville alabama

last person who instant messaged you? Stumpy

last email? Cristina with some pics

last to call you? my mom

last you called? MY Boss man


Anonymous Anonymous said...

since no one has a left a comment...i'll be the first! i'm such a good friend ha ha. well i was gonna answer the questions but now i don't see them so i'll answer what i remember:

*i'm wearing a white tank top (sexy i know)
*i am not eating or drinking presently
*i am not listening to music either (geez i'm boring)
*last movie i saw in the theater good company (decent movie but was unhappy with the ending) and i more recently rented a movie which was taxi (don't waste your time)
*i want to travel to europe!
*i am thinking about my days at obu and becoming depressed with each passing second...i should stop

ok that's all i remember...have a good one! ~~jennifer

10:44 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no music,red final 2004 4 shirt,no,im tired and 24 hawaii,the wedding date,

11:01 AM CST  
Blogger Jeff said...

I'll answer only the questions that apply.

1. what song are you listening to rite now? The Saun Hennity Show

2. shirt you are wearing now: Red flannel shirt that makes me look like a writer

3.have you showered? I showered but I did not wash my hair.

5.where do you want to go? work. I'm bored

7.what do you want to do with your life? Retire in 18 1/2 more years, then start over and be an English teachere. I also want someone to perform my plays.

8. what are you eating or drinking? coffee.

9. current mood right now? content

10.when is your birthday? April

11.where do you usually hang out? my office playing with blogger and writing stuff

12.where do you buy ur clothes? My wife buys my clothes these days. She's got better style than I do.


last time you fell in love? All the time. But my wife is the only woman for me.

last movie you watched? The Bat

last shirt you wore before this shirt? I've worn this shirt for two days...

last thing you held? coffee cup

last time you cried? I don't know

last place you went? Church

last person who instant messaged you? my pal Andrew

last email? Uhhhh.... I dunno

last to call you? Charissa

last you called? Charissa

7:28 PM CST  

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