Monday, February 28, 2005

NO real news

Well nothing really exciting is going on in my life but I haven't really put a post up lately that is really what I would say a good one. Although I did have a good weekend my parents decided to come down and visit me. They were here Friday and Saturday got to take them around the town I live in and show them some of the places I hang out. I am always looking for something to do though I have kind of taken up photography again. I'll try and get some of my more recent pics up but you can always go over to my Europe page and take a gander at some of the older pics I have ohhh also I am getting more and more of my old pictures scanned onto my computer and archived so I will be putting up some more pictures of the grand ole times at Harding I got some interesting pics of a few of you peeps some not so intriguing but I am sure you will laugh at them. In fact I think I will put a few of them on after I post this OHH wait after Las Vegas and CSI then I'll put them on I do so like those shows my parents love 24 but I just don't get it maybe its cuz I don't watch it every week but anyway I'll Post some pictures tonight chat with ya'll later ciao


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