Monday, March 07, 2005

No news is good news

Well I just found out that Head country BBQ sauce has a website and that you can order ir off there. I thought that was real interesting also I am going to be moving to a new apartment this next week it is real nice a one bedroom thing with a fireplace I think thats cool anyway just htought I would let you all know. I went home this past weekend and went to a wedding it was real nice had a lot of fun I didn't half to do anything for it it was real nice I just got to enjoy it. I am thinking the next wedding I go to will be my sister's wedding that will be real intersting but anyway there really isn't much else going on in my life. still working away at the shakespere festival working on taming of the shrew right now its gonna be a big show probably the biggest one of our rep season if anyone would like to see any of the shows that are going to be here just send me a note and I'll hook you up. talk with ya'll later ciao


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