Saturday, October 29, 2005

new stuff

alrighty then its been a bit since I had some time to post here.... on hte weight thing I have lost almost 10 pounds since the last time I posted so I am just over 40 pounds total....

its halloween weekend so crazy stuff be going on.... ohh and I got a PUPPY she is 8 months old and a blonde cocker I have named her Tiramisu... Tira for short mainly cuz she is my little pick me up and and she is real sweet... I'll get a picture on here as soon as I can but thats really about it for now talk to you all later... ciao

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Well lets see the first week of work is over I lost 4 pounds this week. Doing this new diet at work has been interesting, mostly because I feel like I am making lunch twice I either make my salad the night before or in the morning before I go to work then I put the dressing on at work. I got this new tuperware thing a real small one that I can put my dressing in with some balsamic viniger and lots of spices so I can mix it up and keep it seperate before I put it on my salad.

OHH yea I got my desk finnally office max was suposed to have it on monday but I didn't get it till thursday. but it is here and I like it. I am now thinking I need some pictures in my room and maybe a chaise of some kind in the other coner ahh well I'll figure it out....

ohh you know what really irks me I spent all day today going to differnt places looking for Sobe lean the green tea and no where in this crazy town do they have it. lots of regular Sobe just none of the lean stuff and thats what I want. so I went over to the new publix and asked if there was anyway they could get some in and the guy said that it would take more tan one person asking for it... BOO ohh well I sent an email to the Sobe people I'll tell you what happens but it is saturday so I don't expect an answer till monday sometime. I will keep you posted though...

so as of now I have lost 29 pounds and am currently 281 and trying to get to at least 225 but who knows we'll see talk to you all later keep in touch

Monday, October 03, 2005

whats goin on

well today I start work again. should be fun.

had a good weekend went to the FSU game. got a little sun and had alot of fun.

I get my new desk today it will be nice to have a real computer desk. hope all is well with all of you talk to you soon