Thursday, May 18, 2006

SO I know its been awhile since I wrote but I have been kinda busy since my last post. at least I haven't been taking the time to keep my internet life up to date but thats cool...
I am here now and about to tell you alll about what I have been doing for the past 2 months well lets see I went on a cruise, built some shows and started dating a wonderfull woman.... not in that order persay but all has happened....
I am still trying to lose weight but ever since the cruise my body hasn't let me lose weight I think that is cuz it knows what food is again and kinda stalled out saying no more weight loss but I am really trying I even started riding my bike to work and to other places just to get around its been great exercise but the scale is telling me I haven't lost weight yet BOOO... oh well I'll keep trying at it .....
on the girl thing if you all really want pics you should go to her blog she actually posts pictures I just kinda write when I can her blog addy is really you should go there she has some pics of me up there not sure if there are any of here but I'll bet there will be soon....
she is just that way ohh yea for those of you who don't know her, her name is Jessica Rano and she comes from Yale oklahoma went to OSU and is working on graduating from there.... she is awesome... bad news though and one of the reasons I haven't been bloging lately is that she is newley dignosed (sp) with MS and has been dealing with that its actually not that bad the Doctors caught it early and she started treatment two weeks ago. she has to take this medicine once a week the hard part about it is that she has to inject it herself and hte needle is like 2 inches long and she has been awesome with the whole self injection its hard to watch but the doctor said I should learn to giver her shots too so I did but all I have had to inject was an orange which is fine with me but I am sure there will be a time when she will need me to help her with that...
but it would be great if people would keep her in your prayers...

anyway I am sure I will write more .... I am going to Tulsa in like a week to go see my family that should be fun I am taking Tira home I am sure she will love it
well it is getting late
I'll write more later take care all and God bless