Friday, January 06, 2006

crazy week

Well hey there its been a bit since I said anything its been an interesting couple of weeks. we got our first show in of the year Bird sanctuary MOM I think you and dad should come see this one not sure what it is about but this lady haliey mills in it and I am told you will know her anyway, I am sure any of you peeps who would liek to come down I could get tickets for. well lets see its been fun in the shop I have been building a fence for pure confidence and well it was nice the first time I built it but then the director wanted it 3 inches shorter but the arch wasn't right so they decided to change it to a bigger arc OHH yea the fence is in a circle so I half to cut them into a circle before I put it together.. well I ended up rebuilding hte fence twice and it was rather tedious cuz I don't like hte way the fence turned out but they are done so onto the paints let them make my work look good .... thats what they do. but anyway in short thats what I have been doing at work other than that I am gonna go get a tux tomorrow for the ball in feb I am kinda looking forward to that its gonna be fun to get out of town and do something different with some cool people I work with well I'll inform you later on the rest of whats going on but you all need to just send me an email and I'll be happy or better yet just send me a real snail mail thing. ahh well

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Well its another new year and I rang it in well had a bunch of people over from work to my place... it was great we played a game it was fun I'll get you some pictures you know I say that alot but ohh well someone will get me some pictures... after the party had people crash on my floor... went with Jess to church today(sunday). I really liked it met a good bunch of people there it is a baptisit church I am considering going to the singles class they have there and also still going to Landmark to hear people sing.... I dunno about all that but it could happen. afterwards we went to cracker barrel with the people from chruch we met and then went to take care of her chinchilla's they are in the vets. just not feling quite well. Well how bout some of my new years resoulitons... I wanna start working out more. and get down to my goal weight which I am almost there..... save some money and start the process to get my MFA.... Well I hope all of you all have a great NEW YEAR talk to you all soon keep in touch